We will go to Beiman near Tainan for Kiteboarding on November 17th tomorrow. If you want to know what Kiteboarding is, you can come to this place to discuss with us. 明天11月17日, 我預計早上10點從高雄出發至北門急水溪出海口南岸玩風箏,目前還有1個車位,若有朋友要搭車,還請告知, 風力可能只有12至16節,需使用大風箏。
We will go to Beiman near Tainan for Kiteboarding on November 9th, tomorrow. If you want to know what Kiteboarding is, you can come to this place to discuss with us. 明天11月9日, 我預計中午12點至北門急水溪出海口南岸玩風箏, 風力可能為16至26節。
We will go to Beiman near Tainan for Kiteboarding on November 6th, tomorrow. If you want to know what Kiteboarding is, you can come to this place to discuss with us. 明天11月6日, 我預計早上11點30分至北門急水溪出海口南岸風箏教學, 風力可能為14至20節。
We will go to Beiman near Tainan for Kiteboarding on October 27th, tomorrow. If you want to know what Kiteboarding is, you can come to this place to discuss with us. 明天10月27日, 我預計早上11點從高雄出發至北門急水溪出海口南岸玩風箏, 風力可能為12至16節。 目前還有1個車位, 若有朋友要從高雄前往北門玩風箏,還請告知, 謝謝。 北門風況預報,請參考: https://www.windguru.cz/181507 北門實際風況,請參考布袋港:https://isohe.ihmt.gov.tw/Station/mobile/port/Budai.aspx
We will go to Beiman in Tainan for Kiteboarding lesson on October 25th.